
Oh my Dream...

1.43 am (Sabah - NorthBorneo, Malaysia)- in my room

Can't sleep yet... Dunno why? A bad darn headache for past few days is over ... but the problem now is i can't close my eyes and swim in my dream. If i could , i want to check my 'trailer' or a 'synopsis' for my dream tonight... hopefully tonight's dream will be re-scheduled to another night

Some people said read a book if you want to fall asleep . It's not working for me... more i read , more awake and more exciting i am.. especially when i'm reading a novel. How can you stop reading if the story is so good and thrill and you want to know what happen next... daaa..

For this week i'm focusing my brain to digest "The Hidden Oasis" by Paul Sussman. Interesting , adventure and rip-roaring!. Well , i wish i can spend more time reading. I have another 3 novel to 'study'...hahaha... "Delima Ranting Senja" by Siti Zainon Ismail , "Norwegian Wood" and "Kafka on The Shore" by Haruki Murakami ... can't help it when i went to a bookstore, i'll grab and buy a novel or anything that 'sweet' to my eyes...

hahaha... i should stop writing or i will go to work tomorrow with a 'panda' eyes.
Wish me luck ... forcing myself to sleep ... i'm counting sheeps.. 1....2....3.... hehehe




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