
They're Coming !...but..'jellyfish'?

Finally...it's a signal! They're coming to earth, to take over the world and beyond...! with a green 'big eye alien' in a weird spaceship...'jellyfish' spaceship or maybe the 'jellyfish' itself... hahaha.

Did you read or knew about this? yup, the real deal is a strange 'Jellyfish' shaped object is spotted hanging / hovering in the sky over Norway. Lucky amateur photographer Per-Arne Milkalsen took this mysterious phenomenon photos last week on the 20th, over Andenesm, Norway.

Some experts say it may have been caused by light from aurora being bounced off a space sattelite, but some of them are not convinced with the theory. It's far too big to be a satellite reflection...

Wait for a few weeks, if this phenomenon occur again... it's must be something going on...
or if there is any good explanation, we love to hear about it...

p/s: watch your back...




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